At its May 10 meeting, the Piedmont Unified Board of Education:
Presented Dave Ragones with 2023 Arthur Hecht Volunteer of the Year Award - Read more about Mr. Ragones on the District website.
Received Presentation - Affinity Mentorship Course/Program - The Affinity and Identity Mentor Program began in September 2020, to serve a need identified by BIPOC students at the high school level. They told stories of their feelings of isolation, consistent and constant microaggressions, and the lack of support in navigating the culture and processes of the school district. These high school students decided that they did not want the younger generation to experience the same and the program was launched. With guidance from Jean Takazawa and Ina Bendich, the students began to create lessons for their assigned mentees while adult leadership managed the recruitment and coordination of the times for the mentor/mentees to meet. Designed and implemented during Covid-19, mentors utilized time together to create their lessons, seek resources from adults, and problem-solve any issues that needed to be addressed. Read full background, view slidedeck & watch presentation (starts at 58:30 of meeting video).
Conducted Public Hearing on the Proposed Levy of Current School Support Tax, Measure G, to be Levied in 2023-24 - Read full report and recommendation.
Approved Contract for Chief Business Officer - The Board ratified Ruth Alahydoian, Chief Financial Officer, contract on March 10, 2021. As it is set to expire this year, the Board is recommended to renew the contract, July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026. Additionally, the position title will be changed to Chief Business Officer.
First Reading: Adoption of Middle and High School Health Science Instructional Materials - All students in California should have access to high-quality health education. Our students experience many real and potential health challenges that could be improved by high-quality health education. In 2019, the State Board of Education adopted a new Health Framework. Following the adoption of a new state framework, instructional materials are written by various 2 publishers and the state reviews and adopts curriculum that meet the highest standard. Given the wide range of courses at the high school level, the state does not adopt a list of materials for 9-12. Instead, school districts develop their own process for reviewing curriculum following guidelines outlined by the California Department of Education. Piedmont Unified follows the same rigorous process for curriculum adoptions for grades K-12. Read full background, view the slidedeck and watch presentation (starts at 2:09:20 of meeting video).
Adopted and Approved Resolution 20 -2022-23 Notifying Certain Classified Employees of the Decision to Not Reemploy or to Reduce Their Hours for the 2023-24 School Year
Next Regular Board Meeting - Wednesday, May 24, 2023, 7:00pm